• A Byte is a unit of data measurement which mainly consists of eight bits and a basic unit of storage capacity in the computer systems.
  • A byte is a series of binary digits, which contain ‘0’ or ‘1’.
  • A byte is represented as upper-case ‘B’ whereas a bit is represented by small-case “b”.
  • It is also used by computers to represent the characters such as numbers, letters or symbols.
  • A single byte can be used for indicating the 28 or 256 different values.
  • These values start from 00000000 Binary to 11111111 Binary.
  • A nibble is a data unit which comes before the Byte. And, kilobyte comes after it.
  • The byte is used for measuring the size of memory and the speed of data transfer. Examples of bytes in memory size:

And, the examples of the speed of data transfer:

  • Kilobytes per second,
  • megabytes per second, etc.


  • KB is the unit symbol for the ‘Kilobyte‘.
  • Kilobyte is made up of multiple-unit bytes, which stores the digital information and denotes data size.
  • And the short forms of kilobyte are K, K-byte, and kByte.
  • In the word kilobyte, kilo denotes the 1000 or third power of 10, which means 103.
  • In computer science and IT, the kilobyte refers to as 1024 or 210 bytes.
  • A kilobyte is that unit, which is larger than a byte (B) and smaller than the unit megabyte (MB).
  • Kilobyte is used for measuring the size of small files.


  • ‘Mb‘ is the unit symbol for the Megabyte.
  • Megabyte is a made up of multiple unit bytes, which stores the digital information and denotes the size of data.
  • And, the short form of Megabyte is Mbyte or meg.

In the word megabyte, mega denotes the sixth power of 10, which means 106.

1 Megabyte is equivalent to the following values:

  • 106 bytes (B),
  • 1,000,000 bytes (B),
  • 220 bytes (B),
  • 1,024 kilobytes (Kb) or
  • 1,048,576 bytes.
  • A megabyte is that unit which is larger than a kilobyte (Kb) and smaller than the unit gigabyte (Gb).
  • A megabyte is used for measuring the size of large files.
  • It also measures the text format, bitmap images, video files, or compressed/uncompressed audio files.


  • Gb is a unit symbol for the Gigabyte.
  • gigabyte is made up of multiple-unit bytes, which stores the digital information and denotes the size of data.
  • The short form of Gigabyte is ‘Gbyte‘.
  • In the word gigabyte, Giga denotes the ninth power of 10, which means 109.
  • In computer science and IT, the GB unit equals to 10243 or 230 bytes.
  • 1 Gigabyte is equivalent to the following values:
  • 230 bytes,
  • 1,000,000,000 bytes (B),
  • 1,000 megabytes (MB).
  • A gigabyte is that unit, which is larger than a megabyte and smaller than the unit terabyte.
  • This unit is used for measuring the storage capacity.
  • A solid-state drive may hold the capacity of 256 GB, and the hard drive may store the capacity of 750 GB.
  • The Random-Access Memory (RAM) is also measured in Gigabytes like 1GB RAM, 2GB RAM, or 4GB RAM.


  • terabyte is made up of multiple bytes, which stores the digital information and denotes data size.
  • TB is a unit symbol for the terabyte.
  • And the short form of Terabyte is Tbyte.
  • In the word terabyte, Tera denotes the fourth power of 1000, and means 1012.
  • A terabyte is approximate 1 trillion bytes.
  • A petabyte just comes after the terabyte, i.e., is smaller than the petabytes and larger than the gigabytes.

Terabyte is equivalent to the following values:

  • 1012 bytes,
  • 1000 GB (gigabytes),
  • 1 Tebibyte,
  • 1,000,000,000,000 bytes
  • Mostly, terabytes are used for measuring the capacity of large storage devices.
  • Around the year of 2007, the hard drives of consumers reached the storage capacity of 1 TB.
  • It is a unit, which also measures the bandwidth or the data transferred in a certain amount of time.


  • Pb is the unit symbol for the ‘Petabyte‘.
  • Petabyte is made up of multiple-unit bytes, which stores the digital information and denotes the size of data.
  • And, the short form of Petabyte is Pbyte.

A petabyte is equal to 1015 bytes or 250 bytes.

1 Petabyte is equivalent to the following values:

  • 1024 Terabytes (Tb),
  • 1 million gigabytes, or
  • 1,000,000,000,000,000 bytes.
  • The size of the petabyte is slightly less than pebibyte.
  • A petabyte is rarely used in measuring the storage capacity of devices.
  • It is mostly used for measuring the data, which is stored in large computer networks or server farms.
  • Like, Facebook and Google, two internet companies store more than 100 petabytes of data on their servers.
  • Petabyte (Pb) is that unit that is larger than a terabyte (Tb) and smaller than the unit exabyte (Eb).


  • An exabyte is made up of multiple bytes, which stores the digital information and is used to denote data size.
  • A byte is made up of 8 bits.
  • A bit is a single unit of data.
  • A bit can be ‘0’ or ‘1’.
  • ‘EB’ is a unit symbol for the exabyte.
  • And the short form of Exabyte is Ebyte.
  • In the word exabyte, ‘exa’ denotes the multiplication by the sixth power of 1000.

Exabyte is equivalent to the following values:

  • 1018 bytes,
  • 10006 bytes,
  • 1000 petabytes,
  • 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 ( 1 quintillion) Bytes,
  • 1 billion gigabytes,
  • 1 million terabytes, or
  • 1,000,000 terabytes.
  • And, 1000 EB (Exabyte) equals to 1ZB (Zettabyte).
  • Exabytes is a unit, which is slightly smaller than the exbibytes.
  • The exbibytes contain 260 bytes.
  • The exabyte unit is so large, so it is used to measure the sum of multiple storage networks or measure the data amount transferred over the internet in a specific amount of time.

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