What is Computer Hardware?
•Hardware, which is abbreviated as HW, refers to all physical components(Mother Board, RAM, Processor, KB, Mouse etc) of a computer system, including the devices connected to it.
•We cannot create a computer or use software without using hardware.
•The screen on which we are reading this information is also a hardware.
•Optical Disk Drive – Often called a CD-ROM for DVD-ROM drive.
•Power Button – It powers the PC on and off.
•Reset Button – Used to restart the PC.
•Audio in and out – Many computers include audio ports on the front of the computer case that allow you to easily connect speakers, microphones and headsets.
•Universal Serial Bus(USB) port – Most desktop computers have several USB ports. It also comes on the back of the computer.

•Audio In & Out-
•Ethernet Port or LAN Port – We can use this port for networking and connecting to the Internet.
•USB Port –
•Power Socket –
•VGA Port or Monitor port – This is used to connect display devices like Monitor/LCD/LED. Computer may have both Display port and a VGA port, DVI (Digital visual interface is a high-speed serial link) or HDMI (High definition multimedia interface helps to get high-definition video and multi-channel sound).
•Serial port – This port is less common on now a days. It was frequently used to connect peripherals like digital cameras, but it has been replaced by USB and other types of port.

•8. PS/2 – These ports are sometimes used for connecting the mouse and keyboard. The mouse port is green and the KB port is purple. These ports also have been replaced by USB.
•9. Expansion Slots – These expansion slots are used to connect add-on cards to increase the capabilities of the motherboard. This was used earlier to add a video card if it is not installed in computer.
•10. Parallel Port – This is an older port that is less common on new computers and like the serial port it has been now replaced by USB.