Programming Languages

  • A set of commands, instructions and other syntax use to create a software program.
  • Programmers used to write code in languages are called “high-level languages”.
  • Now code can be complied into a “low-level language” and it is directly recognized by the computer hardware.

What is Low Level Language & High Level Language  

  1. Low Level Language – Machine codes (0,1) are the low level computer languages because computer cannot understand instructions given in high level languages.
  2. High Level Language – Allowed the specification of writing a program closer to those used by human beings. It allows humans to write the computer program and interact with the computer system without knowing of the hardware that the program will run.

Low Level Language

  • Machine Language – The set of instructions executed directly by a computer central processing unit (CPU) is called Machine code. In machine language each and every instructions perform specific operations.
  • Assembly Language – Microprocessor in a computer manages computer’s arithmetical, logical and other control activities through a set of instructions are called machine language instructions. These operations are handled by getting input from keyboard and displaying information on screen and perform other jobs.

High Level Language

  • Assembler – It is used to convert the assembly language in to machine language (0,1)
  • Compiler – It is a special program which reads a program in source language and translate into an equivalent other language.
  • Interpreter – It converts one program statement into machine language, execute it and then proceeds to the next statement.
  • Loader – In loading, a routine of a program is not loaded until it is called by the program and all routine are kept on disk in a re-located load format. The main program is loaded into memory and is executed.
  • Linker – It combines various pieces of code and the data together to form a single executable that can be loaded into memory.

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