What is a program?

  • A computer program is a set of instructions. 
  • It is a process of creating a software program by using programming language. 
  • Again an application, program, or application software is used to perform a specific task on the computer.
  • Microsoft PowerPoint is an application, which provides a way to create a presentation.
  • Again a browser is also an application, which allows us to browse any website.
  • The program enables the computer to perform a particular operation.
  • As without application software (programs), a computer is able to operate with the operating system, though it cannot perform any specific task.
  • For example, if you want to create a Word document, you have to install Microsoft Word on your computer.
  • It is a program or application software that instructs the computer how to create, edit, and save a document or a file.

Difference between Applications and programs

  • All applications can be called a program, but a program cannot be an application.
  • An application is a collection of programs that are designed to help the end-users to achieve a purpose.
  • These programs communicate with each other to perform tasks or activities.
  • Whereas, a program is a collection of instructions that describes the computer what task to perform.

Basic functions of a program

  • The function of a program depends upon the type of program.
  • For example, the function of the Microsoft Excel program is different with the function of an internet browser.
  • Basically, a program is designed to execute a particular task or function.
  • For example, an Excel program is able to create a document, but it cannot find the information on the World Wide Web like a browser.

Examples of computer programs

  • Today, there are various types of programs available for mobile phones, computers, and other devices.
  • For example, Google Chrome for Internet Browser, C for Programming Language, Skype for Chat & VoIP, Adobe Photoshop for Photo Editor, Microsoft Word for Word processor, etc.

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