After Pandemic one significant changes evolves in our life is of course the use of Technology. From weak up in the morning to go to sleep at night we are bound to use technology in every steps in our daily life. Bill payments, order food and groceries, Hotel booking, Gas booking…….on line Banking……and many more, lists are endless.
Above all, particularly in education field we are observing the changes like never before. Earlier we were depended on and used to go to school and private tuition in our locality. As per their guidance we had to prepare ourselves in our schools, colleges and even in higher education. But now a days the situation has changed completely. Schools and Colleges are using technology more and more in everything and in private tuition also taking advantage of technology as much as possible to conduct classes and educate their students. Starting from form fill up on line, submitting fees online, class schedule, notification, Exam result, arranging classes and conference online and what not………..
Then off the school and colleges, students themselves are now busy for browsing and searching Google, You tube……….for their own educational purposes. Most advance students now a days are taking advantages of it since all most all the information are now available in internet easily.
So at this junction we can not ignore the use of technology in our educational field.
And now, gradually we are now moving and entering a new field of technology, i.e., AI (Artificial Intelligence) era. In simple meaning here we can clear our every doubts based on our queries by taking solutions from AI. Though it is in very primary stage but we can feel the vibes and effect what AI can do and going to do in future.
In nutshell, what we can conclude that we have to take help of technology to get proper education and have to learn technology as well to educate ourselves.
Mail Id – myedutech22@edutech