From Ancient Civilizations to Robot (Part 1)

As we say “Technology for Education & Education for Technology”, because the world today is a world of technology. Today any tool, machinery or process developed to perform or make any task simpler, quicker are the result of technology. And all these has been developed over the years starting from when Human beings did not always walk on two feet. It has been a very long long journey of human beings to reach such a world of technology. And most interesting now we, the human beings, are operating the things by Robot, not by human. So how was this journey?

As we told our ancestors did not walk on two feet, used to walk on all fours. What we can learn from research and discoveries by archaeologists that human beings began to walk upright between six- and three-million years ago. And once their arms are free, then only they were able to learn and do things that were not possible before.

With the free use of arms, a new era begins. Creativity, curiosity begins which leads to different inventions and discoveries for them. And from then step by step, point by point human beings has progressed their journey to reach today in the world of technology.

If we track human progress in terms of material progress, we discuss it from the use of stone (Stone Age), then the Bronze (Bronze Age), then Iron (Iron Age) were used to create tools and technologies to modern Robot as of now.

If we see some ancient inventions and discoveries, we will see, in the stone age early human tribes were using tools of wood, bone and stone over 3.3 million years ago near Lake Turkana in East Africa. Then humans started to use fire over 1.5 million years ago. Around 170000 years ago human began to use clothes. Around 26000 BCE clay was used to make figurines and 18000 BCE clay vessels were made by early humans. Some of the oldest clay pots were found in Xianrendong Cave in China. Bricks were used to make the world’s first cities around 6000 BCE and the ruins at Jericho, Turkey belong to the oldest known city in our history. Ancient Egyptians invented linen cloth, spindles and looms. And ancient Indians discovered the uses of cotton in this era between 5550-5000 BCE. Metal daggers were created in between also.

 Just think it took years after years after years to invent and develop any material progress in those days but now after inventing computer within few decades we are using Robot in place of human.

Over time all these inventions and discoveries made to make human life and lives comfortable, efficient and sophisticated. 

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