Category: Computer Hardware


•Computer Specifications tells us about the hardware specifications of a computer system. •It describes the capabilities, features, and components of a computer system. •And from these features we can know the CPU speed, RAM storage, model, and other system components. •And all these specifications are required when we want to purchase a computer or Laptop as […]


•Network devices are electronics devices and required for communication and interaction between hardware devices on a computer network. •Network devices transfer data in a fast, secure and correct way over same or different networks. •It may be inter-network and intra-network. •In this network we see  receiver, hosts, data terminal equipment, end system or laptops, mobile […]

Some Important points on Computer Memory or Storage Unit

•A computer system’s memory or storage unit maintains instructions, data, and intermediate outcomes. •It acts as a database that other computer components may access and save data in as needed. •This device has numerous names because of its numerous functions, including internal storage unit, main memory, primary storage, or Random-access Memory (RAM). •The memory unit’s […]


The ALU consists of two main subsections: the Arithmetic Section and the Logic Section •The ALU’s Arithmetic Section conducts mathematical operations. It performs fundamental mathematical operations including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. For mathematical computations in several applications and program, these processes are necessary. Other operations, such as bit wise operations and incrementing or decreasing […]


Components of CPU The Control Unit achieves coordination within the CPU through a series of steps: This fetch-decode-execute cycle is repeated for each instruction in the program, allowing the Control Unit to coordinate the sequential execution of instructions and ensure that the computer system performs the required tasks. The Control Unit ensures the correct information […]

What is a Server?

Types of servers Web Server Application server Cloud server Database server Dedicated server Print server Proxy server File server Mail server Standalone server A standalone server is a serial transmission replacement for the parallel SCSI, and it runs alone. It is an improvement of traditional SCSI and does not belong to a Windows domain. It supports a […]
